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    2025 is the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology
    This global initiative, proclaimed by the United Nations on June 7, 2024, marks a significant milestone in the world of science and technology. This webpage serves as your central resource for IYQ events, activities, and information. We aim to increase public awareness about the importance and applications of quantum science across various fields.
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    Newsletter - CQIQC Connections
    Stay informed about the latest quantum research at the University of Toronto through the CQIQC Connections newsletter. You will find updates on CQIQC activities, events, interviews with researchers, research projects, opportunities, and achievements.
  • Quantum Courses Blackboard
    Graduate Courses in Quantum
    CQIQC is a multi-disciplinary organization, and our quantum course offerings are administered by various departments at the University of Toronto, including Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics. We encourage students to explore courses beyond their own departments. You can find a list of courses offered by CQIQC members for this academic year by clicking the button below.
  • CQIQC-X recordings 2 banner for website
    Watch the CQIQC-X Conference Anytime with Available Videos
    Watch the conversations shared during the CQIQC-X conference! Recordings of all the presentations, along with the Bell Prize Award Session honouring John Preskill, are now accessible on the conference website. Scroll down to the schedule section to find links to each talk.
  • Laser
    Research Breakthroughs
    Learn more about our members' latest research projects
  • bell-prize-award-winners.png
    Bell Prize Award
    This award recognizes major research contributions relating to the foundations of quantum mechanics and to the applications of these principles covering theoretical & experimental research, both fundamental and applied. Award Ceremony: CQIQC conference, August 26-30, 2024
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    YouTube Channel
    Attend our talks from anywhere in the world.


CQIQC is tasked with promoting research collaborations in the rapidly evolving interdisciplinary fields of quantum information and quantum control. CQIQC's activities at the University of Toronto encompass the Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Materials Science.

The Center was established in April 2004 with internal funding from the President of the University of Toronto, the Vice-President of Research and Associate Provost, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Science, and the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. CQIQC funds endowed postdoctoral fellowships and summer student scholarships, organizes conferences, workshops and summer schools, coordinates the development and teaching of graduate courses in quantum science, and runs a seminar series. It also sponsors the biennial John Stewart Bell Prize for Research on Fundamental Issues in Quantum Mechanics and their Applications.

We encourage the UofT community to join us. To sign up to our mail list and participate in our activities, please contact or visit us at LinkedIn.

Research Areas

CQIQC members are involved in a variety of theoretical and experimental activities, including coherent control, quantum optics, quantum cryptography, quantum decoherence-control, and quantum algorithms.

Click the title to learn more about our researchers' latest work and projects.

Recent Publications

Quantum-computing-enhanced algorithm unveils potential KRAS inhibitors
Drug discovery is a multifaceted and resource-intensive process encompassing the discovery, development and comprehensive testing of new molecules. Typically extending over a decade and incurring substantial costs, the pharmaceutical industry faces substantial financial risks. The pressing need for efficiency and innovation in drug discovery has led to integrating advanced computational tools into traditional pharmaceutical research methodologies.
Emergent 𝑠-wave interactions
Emergent 𝑠-wave interactions in orbitally active quasi-two-dimensional Fermi gases
Orbital degrees of freedom are natural in electronic materials, reflecting the valence structure of their atomic constituents. Conversely, neutral atoms in optical lattices typically occupy the lowest-energy band and interact through 𝑠-wave interactions. Pioneering experiments employing excited orbital bands have revealed new phenomena including chiral many-body states . Furthermore, theoretical work suggests new types of quantum simulation and rich physics of extended Hubbard models.
The upper panel shows the T−V phase diagram for the three-orbital SYK model in the grand canonical ensemble. The lower shows the orbital-resolved density ns(T) and the total density n(T)=∑sns as a function of temperature for V=0.8 and 1.2.
Orbital selective order and ℤ3 Potts nematicity from a non-Fermi liquid
The breaking of the crystalline rotational symmetry for electrons in solids, termed “electronic nematic order” in analogy with liquid crystals, has been reported in diverse quantum materials ranging from semiconductor two-dimensional (2D) electron gases in the quantum Hall regime to unconventional superconductors such as heavy-fermion systems , CuO-, and Fe-based superconductors , and disordered Sr3⁢Ru2⁢O7.
Brumer_Multichannel Quantum Defect
Multichannel Quantum Defect Theory with a Frame Transformation for Ultracold Atom-Molecule Collisions in Magnetic Fields
Recent advances in cooling and trapping diatomic and polyatomic molecules have established ultracold molecular gases as an emerging platform for quantum information science, ultracold chemistry, and precision searches for new physics beyond the standard model. The exquisite control over molecular degrees of freedom achieved in these experiments enables the exploration of novel regimes of ultracold chemical dynamics tunable by external electromagnetic fields.