CQIQC Undergraduate Summer Research Program 2024
Update: We received many fantastic applications and had a very hard time selecting only a few. We regret it that we cannot offer as many slots as there are deserving students.
The first round of offers is out. A second round will take place around March 15. Final decisions will take place March 30. At this time, we are not able to reply to individual queries. Thank you for your patience!
The 2024 application cycle for the Undergraduate Summer Research Program is now open.
CQIQC at UofT is offering Prize Scholarships for undergraduate students to undertake research projects in quantum science and engineering at the University of Toronto. CQIQC will provide funds for students to spend the summer working in research groups associated with the Centre. The award is not limited to UofT students; we encourage students from other academic institutions to apply.
Applicants must be an undergraduate student who have the following qualifications:
- Majoring in Science or Engineering, including Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Material Engineering, or related areas
- Permission to study in Canada
- Excellent GPA and an interest in quantum science and engineering
- At least one year left in their undergraduate degree before the expected graduation date (i.e., if your graduation date is between September 2024 to January 2025, you are not eligible)
How to Apply: please email your application to: CQIQC Administrator (Dept. of Physics, University of Toronto, 60 St. George St.Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A7 cqiqc@physics.utoronto.ca)
- Subject Line: CQIQC Undergraduate Award
Your application must have the following (all documents must be in a PDF format):
- One-page personal statement of your research interests
- Your CV and transcript with grades, including the Fall term of 2023
- If possible: a letter of support by a faculty member
Next Step: Successful applicants must find a CQIQC member to be their supervisor.
Closing Date: 31 January 2024.
A list of past recipients is available on our website.
Undergraduate programs of study with a focus on quantum science
Physics Specialist: focus on Modern Optics, Quantum Information, and Quantum Computing
Physics Specialist: focus on Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Our students come from Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, math, Electrical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering departments.