Publication Date: June 1, 2024
Authors: Jonathan Clepkens and Hae-Young Kee
Finite-momentum pairing in a Pauli-limited spin-singlet superconductor arises from the pair-breaking effects of an external Zeeman field, a mechanism which is not applicable in odd-parity spin-triplet superconductors. However, in multiorbital systems, the relevant bands originating from different orbitals are usually separated in momentum space, implying that orbital-singlet pairing is a natural candidate for a finite-momentum pairing state. We show that finite-momentum pairing arises in even-parity orbital-singlet spin-triplet superconductors via the combination of orbitally nontrivial kinetic terms and Hund's coupling. The finite-momentum pairing is then suppressed with an increasing spin-orbit coupling, stabilizing a uniform pseudospin-singlet pairing. We also examine the effects of the magnetic field and find field-induced superconductivity at large fields. We apply these findings to the multiorbital superconductor with spin-orbit coupling, Sr2RuO4, and show that a finite-momentum pseudospin-singlet state appears between the uniform pairing and normal states. Future directions of inquiry relating to our findings are also discussed.
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