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Events, Media Appearances, Programs and Awards

Feb. 22, 2016
U of T physicists taking a cold look at atomic interactions
CQIQC's Joseph Thywissen led a research team that has discovered new rules governing the behaviour of atoms that collide at temperatures close to absolute zero. They published these findings in Nature Physics.
Prof. Sandu Popescu
June 1, 2011
Prof. Sandu Popescu awarded the Second Bell Prize
The second biennial John Stewart Bell Prize for Research on Fundamental Issues in Quantum Mechanics and their Applications is awarded to Sandu Popescu, Professor of Physics at the University of Bristol, UK, for discoveries illuminating the nature of nonlocality and entanglement, the investigation of stronger-than-quantum non-signaling correlations, and the application of quantum theory to thermodynamics.
Prof. Nicolas Gisin
June 25, 2009
Prof. Nicolas Gisin awarded the First Bell Prize
In 2009, the first biennial John Stewart Bell Prize for Research on Fundamental Issues in Quantum Mechanics and their Applications was awarded to Prof. Nicolas Gisin for his theoretical and experimental work on foundations and applications of quantum physics, in particular: quantum non-locality, quantum cryptography and quantum teleportation.
Nov. 24, 2008
Introducing the CQIQC Bell Prize at the University of Toronto
CQIQC has created a new award! We are requesting for nominations for the 2007 Inaugural John Stewart Bell Prize for Research on Fundamental Issues in Quantum Mechanics and Their Applications
Dec. 29, 2007
U of T scientists make quantum computing leap
Our physicists are part of an international team that has made the first execution of a quantum calculation, a major step towards building the first quantum computers.
Prof. Aephraim Steinberg
Dec. 27, 2006
Aephraim M. Steinberg received the Rutherford Memorial Medal in Physics 2006
Professor Aephraim M. Steinberg has been honoured with the Rutherford Memorial Medal in Physics, awarded for outstanding research in any branch of physics.