Results of the Collaborative Quantum Research at UofT and the Technion Program
Building on the success of the U of T - Technion Quantum Research Workshop held in January 2024, the CQIQC opened a call for collaborative research applications in the field of quantum science and technology. A committee comprised of two representatives from the UofT and two from the Technion evaluated all the submitted proposals. We are pleased to present the projects selected for funding. Congratulations to all the teams!
- Prof. Ulrich Fekl (U of T) and Prof. Aharon Blank (Technion): Diamond-like qubits from molecules
- Prof. Yoav Sagi (Technion) and Prof. Joseph Thywissen (U of T): Chiral Interaction Resonances
- Profs. Pavel Sidorenko, Michael Krüger, Oren Cohen, Ido Kaminer (Technion), and Prof. John E. Sipe (U of T): Extremely Nonlinear Quantum Optics with Spatially Multimode Drivers
- Prof. Dvira Segal (U of T) and Prof. David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky (Technion): Heat management in non-equilibrium quantum devices
- Prof. Harry E. Ruda (U of T) and Prof. Alex Hayat (Technion): Quantum light sources based on superconductor-semiconductor nanostructures
- Prof. Arun Paramekanti (U of T) and Profs. Anna Keselman and Daniel Podolsky (Technion), Exploring quantum many-body systems with Rydberg atoms
Related link: CQIQC and Technion Collaborate on Innovative Research Projects
Call For Proposals March-May 2024
Building on the success of the U of T - Technion Quantum Research Workshop (Jan. 2024), we are happy this open this call for collaborative research applications in the area of quantum science and technology.
Application window:
04 Mar 2024 to 08 May 2024 - (CLOSED)
This application is open to faculty at U of T’s Centre for Quantum Information and Quantum Control (CQIQC) and the Helen Diller Quantum Center – Technion. Flexibility regarding applicants not affiliated with these Centers will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Proposals should address challenges in quantum science and technology, with research planned on one of the following areas: quantum computing, quantum communication, quantum sensing, quantum materials.
- Total amount at Canadian $100K will fund 3 projects at $33K each for one year. The grant money will be equally divided between Toronto and the Technion. Each institution will be responsible to deliver the funds to their researchers.
- Teams will be composed of 1 faculty member from the Technion Quantum Center and 1 faculty member from the U of T Quantum Center. Upon funding, each PI will receive $16.5K (CAD)
- Larger groups can be formed. However, the funding for an individual project will be capped at $33K (CAD).
- Project duration is up to 12 months
- Funded teams will be required to fill a summary report within 1 year of the award.
- Evaluation criteria
- Project design and rationale (10 points): How clearly presented and justified is the basis for, and design of, the project? How do the proposed activities assist with establishing new and emerging research collaborations?
- Collaborator complementarity (10 points): What is the added value of the new or emerging collaboration? How do the proposed activities combine mutual areas of interest and strength?
- Potential impact (10 points): What desired outcomes do the planned activities set out to achieve? What are the anticipated benefits of the activities to local or international communities?
- Capacity for future collaboration/funding (10 points): What is the potential for this project to foster ongoing collaboration, and through what mechanism(s)?How well does the proposed collaboration plan to access external funding?
- The proposal template is based on the Canadian NSERC Alliance International Catalyst Quantum grants (deadline March 31, 2024). We encourage teams to also apply to any other grant to increase funding amount/project. A CQRTT award does not restrict other funding to the same topic.
Submission will be open till May 1st.
Please download and fill in the enclosed file -follow the guidelines carefully.
Submit all the required information HERE
For any questions, please email Anna Dyring
Proposal_Template_Technion_UofT_Collaborative Quantum Research
Related link: The Hellen Diller Quantum Center at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology