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June 1, 2021

Bell Prize Ceremony 2021

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John Martinis

Bell Prize Ceremony 2021

CQIQC, University of Toronto, is pleased to announce Professor John Martinis (UCSB) as the recipient of the Seventh biennial Bell Prize for Research on Fundamental Issues in Quantum Mechanics and Their Applications. A virtual symposium, with lecturers by Professors Martinis, Devoret (Yale) and Preskill (CalTech) will be held June 1, 2021 between 12-2 PM EST to celebrate the event. Please register at the link above.

Event Schedule (June 01, 12-2 PM EST)

12 Paul Brumer (Toronto): Welcome

12:05 Barbara Terhal (TU Delft): Award presentation

12:15-12:45 John Martinis (UCSB): Award talk: 35 years of superconducting qubits


12:50-13:20 Michel Devoret (Yale): Correcting errors of logical qubits encoded in a superconducting oscillator


13:25-13:55 John Preskill (Caltech): Classical shadows of quantum states


14:00 Paul Brumer (Toronto): Closing

Host: Dvira Segal and Paul Brumer