CQIQC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2025
Application deadline: 28 February 2025
The Centre for Quantum Information and Quantum Control (CQIQC) invites applications for its Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship. The program provides funding for the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will contribute to University of Toronto’s program in quantum science and technology.
We invite applications on different branches of quantum science and technologies, experiment and theory, including but not limited to: quantum hardware and software, quantum information and communication, quantum sensing and imaging, quantum foundations, dynamics, control, and simulations.
Prize postdoctoral fellowships in Quantum Information & Control at the University of Toronto are awarded on a competitive basis. Each fellow will have the opportunity to work within U of T's Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Control with a broad and vibrant group of researchers spanning the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, and Electrical & Computer Engineering. Highly qualified applicants with a Ph.D. in any area related to quantum information or control will be considered. Applications will be considered either to work with an existing group in CQIQC or to pursue an independent research proposal, but preference will be given to proposals which have the possibility of building on the existing strengths in CQIQC.
Participating departments at UofT: ECE, MSE, Physics, Chemistry, CS, Math. A full list of CQIQC faculty can be found here.
Total Award: $80,000 CAD/year renewable once provisional on the availability of funds and satisfactory progress ($60,000 provided by CQIQC; $20,000 plus benefits, raises and support costs provided by supervisor).
Eligibility and Qualifications: Canadian citizens and permanent residents and foreign citizens are eligible to apply. Applicants must have fulfilled all degree requirements for a Doctoral degree before the start-date of their award. Candidates who received their Doctorates in the past four years are strongly encouraged (special consideration of career slowdown due to family commitments, health issues, mandatory military service or other disruptions will be made: please include a justification if applicable).
This award may only be held at the University of Toronto under the supervision of CQIQC’s faculty. Holders of current tenure-stream faculty positions or previous holders of the CQIQC Postdoctoral Fellowship are not eligible to apply.
Only in special circumstances will the fellowship be awarded to an applicant from the University of Toronto who is planning to stay within the same research group where they completed their PhD degree: please include a justification if applicable.
Important Dates: applications open Jan. 08, 2025 and are due on February 28, 2025.
Start Date: CQIQC fellowship can be started Sep. 01, 2025. You can arrange with your supervisor to begin earlier with their financial support, but not later than Dec. 01, 2025.
Application Procedure
All materials to be submitted by email to both cqiqc@physics.utoronto.ca and quantum@utoronto.ca
- Approach one (or more) current CQIQC faculty member(s) who is/are willing to be you supervisor and provide matching funds for your project. “Bridging appointments” involving two or more research groups are highly encouraged; a full list of CQIQC faculty is here.
- Submit the following in pdf format, with the email subject ‘CQIQC Postdoc Application’:
- Curriculum Vitae, including all degrees (with dates) and publications.
- One-page research proposal (pages should be 8 ½" x 11"; single-spaced with no more than six lines of type per inch and with minimum ¾" margin; font should be 12pt Times New Roman).
- CQIQC postdoctoral fellows are expected to contribute to the research and training activities of CQIQC by sharing their expertise. Example areas include but are not limited to involvement in hosting research seminars and mentoring students. Please include a short statement (no longer than 1/2 page) of your suggested contributions.
- Justification (if applicable) for special considerations (one page maximum), as mentioned in the eligibility requirements above.
Recommendations and Support
- Request that your CQIQC supervisor(s) submit a letter of support, with an endorsement of your proposal and a commitment to supervise you and to provide the matching funds. The letter should be submitted to the above address, with “CQIQC Postdoc letter of support” in the subject line. Applications without such a letter of support will not be considered.
- Request up to two letters of recommendation (not from your intended supervisor(s)) be sent to the above address with “CQIQC Postdoc letter of recommendation” in the subject line. Applications without any letters of recommendation will not be considered; if more than two letters are received, we will consider first two unless indicated otherwise.
Learn More
- CQIQC postdoctoral fellows
- UofT School of Graduate Studies
- Interview! Hear Colin Vendromin talk about life as a CQIQC Postdoctoral Fellow
- CQIQC student success story - Xanadu Quantum Technologies
- Interview! Learn more about Postdoctoral Fellow Yuxuan Zhang
- Profile: CQIQC Postdoctoral Fellow Coraline Fujiwara